A Hub for Healing

Where it began...
Once upon a time, around 2010 - my Dad had a burning desire to return to his homeland of Morocco. After buying some land with my Grandad (from England), my Dad's creativity ignited when he put pen to paper and constructed a masterpiece, unbeknown then it was going to become Manira Palm.
Dreams become reality
With many memories and a library of experiences, my mind had broadened and I learnt there is so much to be gained from an adventure into new lands. From meeting the local people, enjoying their food and embracing their culture. I found a passion for travel, our world and everybody in it. My ambition bubbled and I strived to figure out a way to create an opportunity that not only benefits tourists, but the very locals that make the holiday the dream it can be.
& Then ....
Just as we began to welcome guests and share these unforgettable Moroccan experiences, the pandemic hit. But I wasn't going to let that stop me living the Manira Palm mission...
I embarked on journey to raise money for those in poverty as a result of COVID and in light of the rise of mental health. Manira Palm Mindful Medicine, was born. Sustainability for the Soul.
A few years later
My Grandad passed away and two things happened as a result. What was initially a property development venture all of a sudden became part of then family. Something quite magical was materialising in my Grandad's honour. Secondly, I (Nads) realised life was too short, so went to pursue my dream of travelling the world.
Manira Palm 2020
It took almost 10 years for our dreams to align but Manira Palm is now the result. From sand to sustainability, we endeavour to create enriching experiences that can be shared together as a family.